News and Updates from Aspire Sustainability
Reimagining a more sustainable world

ACLCA 2017 Corporate LCA Leadership Award
AWARDS ACLCA 2017 Corporate LCA Leadership Award Angela Fisher & Bill Flanagan Aspire Sustainability LLC LCA XVII, Portsmouth, NH 4 October 2017 Each year during the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment’s (ACLCA) annual conference, outstanding...
Bill Flanagan Recognized as Corporate Sustainability Fellow
AWARDS Bill Flanagan Recognized as Corporate Sustainability Fellow Bill Flanagan, Aspire Sustainability @ Furman University, Greenville, SC 26 July 2016 Bill Flanagan has been a guest lecturer on the business use of LCA as part of Furman University’s...
Bill Flanagan Receives Lifetime Individual LCA Leadership Award
AWARDS Bill Flanagan Receives Lifetime Individual LCA Leadership Award Bill Flanagan, Aspire Sustainability 7 October 2014 Bill Flanagan was awarded the prestigious Lifetime Individual LCA Leadership Award from the American Center for Life Cycle...
GE Global Research Extraordinary Performance Award
AWARDS GE Global Research Extraordinary Performance Award Angela Fisher & Bill Flanagan Aspire Sustainability LLC GE Extraordinary Performance Award The GE Extraordinary Performance Award recognizes brilliantly exhibited values such as risk taking,...