
– Select Keynote Addresses –
Flanagan, W.P., “Exploring Sustainability: A Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Process Intensification of mAb,” PTDU Futurama 2021, Genentech, September 15, 2021.
Flanagan, W.P., Toxics Use Reduction Institute Fall Continuing Education Conference, Taunton, MA, November 16, 2017.
Flanagan, W.P. “Sustainable Manufacturing from a Life Cycle Perspective,” Keynote Address, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Workshop on Measurement Science for Sustainable Construction and Manufacturing, Reston, VA. June 12-13, 2014.
Flanagan, W.P. “Ecoassessment and the Supply Chain,” Keynote Address, Sustainable Packaging Symposium, Houston, TX. April 4, 2012.
Flanagan, W.P. “Life Cycle Assessment at GE: Strategy & Application,” Keynote Address, 1st International Conference on Sustainability Science & Engineering, Cincinnati, OH, August 12, 2009.
Flanagan, W.P. “Eco at GE,” Keynote Address, Life Cycle Assessment VIII: Calculating Consequences Beyond the Box,” Seattle, WA, September 30 – October 2, 2008.
– Select Book Chapters –
Sustainable Resource Management and the Circular Economy. Elsevier – Resources, Conservation and Recycling Guest Editor, Special Issue. Volume 135: 1-346. August 2018.
Fisher, A. and W. Flanagan, “Integrating LCA in Business Decisions – Perspectives from GE,” Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies – Elsevier Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences – Incorporating sustainability in industry, 2017.
Swarr, T.E., A. Asselin, L. Canals, A. Datta, A. Fisher, W. Flanagan, K. Grenda, D. Hunkeler, S. Morel, O. Moreno, M. Rasterio, “Building Organizational Capability for Life Cycle Management,” in Life Cycle Management, Springer Netherlands. 239-256, 2015.
Flanagan, W.P., and W.W. Ingwersen, “Communicating LCA Results,” In Environmental Life Cycle Assessment: Measuring the Environmental Performance of Products, R. Schenck and P. White (eds); American Center for Life Cycle Assessment, 2014.
– Select Technical Publications –
Matin, N.S., W.P. Flanagan, “Environmental performance of nonthermal plasma dry and conventional steam reforming of methane for hydrogen production: Application of life cycle assessment methodology,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 49, Part C, pp. 1405-1413, January 2, 2024.
Matin, N.S., W.P. Flanagan, “Life cycle assessment of amine-based versus ammonia-based post combustion CO2 capture in coal-fired power plants,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 113: 103535 (2022).
Fisher, A.S. “Operationalizing Sustainability with Life Cycle Thinking”. eM: The Magazine for Environmental Managers. A&WMA. November 2018.
Baumers, M., J. Duflou, W. Flanagan, T. Gutowski, K. Kellens, R. Lifset. “Charting the environmental dimensions of additive manufacturing (editorial).” Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol 21, Issue S1, Pages S9-S14, November 2017.
Kellens, K., M. Baumers, T. Gutowski, W. Flanagan, R. Lifset, J. Duflou. “Environmental dimensions of additive manufacturing: Mapping application domains and their environmental implications,” Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol 21, Issue S1, Pages S49-S68, November 2017.
Flanagan, W.P, H. Dhaliwal, M. Browne, “Glass or Plastic: An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Related Economic Impact of Contrast Media Packaging,” European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria. March 4-8, 2015. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2015/C-2599.
Wender, B.A., R.W. Foley, V. Prado-Lopez, D. Ravikumar, D. Eisenberg, T. Hottle, J. Sadowski, W.P. Flanagan, A. Fisher, L. Laurin, M.E. Bates, I. Linkov, T.P. Seager, M.P. Fraser, D.H. Guston, “Illustrating Anticipatory Life Cycle Assessment for Emerging Photovoltaic Technologies,” Environmental Science & Technology, 48(18), 10531-10538, 2014.
Lenker, C., M.A. Harclrode, K. Aragona, A.S. Fisher, J. Jasmann, P.W. Hadley. “Integrating Groundwater Conservation and Reuse into Remediation Projects” Remediation Journal. 24(2). February 2014.
Fisher, A.S. “Life cycle assessment of in situ thermal remediation”. Remediation Journal. 22(4). August 2012.
– Select Panels, Lectures, and Public Presentations –
Fisher, A.S., W.P. Flanagan, “Leveraging Life Cycle Assessment to Influence Sustainability Decision-Making at the City Level,” ACLCA 2023, Burlington, VT, September 2023.
Flanagan, W.P., A.S. Fisher, D. D’Aqulia, B. Dillon, L. Connell-Crowley, K. Hamilton, “NIIMBL Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Life Cycle Assessment and Tool,” ACLCA 2023, Burlington, VT, September 2023.
Fisher, A.S., W..P. Flanagan, K. Duncan, J. Leonard. “Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Neenah Imagemax® Versus Styrene Wide Format Indoor Retail Signage”. ACLCA2020, Virtual. September 2020.
Flanagan, W.P. “Sustainability Strategy and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)”. Invited Speaker. The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL). September 2020.
Fisher, A.S., W.P. Flanagan, T. Etheridge, R. Roc. “Circular Services: A Life Cycle Assessment of HP’s Device As A Service Business Model versus HP’s Traditional Transactional Business Model”. LCA XIX, Tucson, AZ. September 2019.
Fisher, A.S. “Transparency & Life Cycle Thinking”. Invited Panelist, Sustainable Denver Summit, Denver, CO. November 2018.
Fisher, A.S., A.A. Costello, A.N. Lasso, and J. Rohde. “EPDs: The Good, the Bad, the Useful”. Greenbuild, Chicago, IL. November 2018.
Fisher, A.S. “Importance of Collaboration & Partnerships for Innovation, Growth, and Impact”. LCA XVIII, Fort Collins, CO. September 2018.
Fisher, A.S. “ESG Investing: A Force Driving Corporate Sustainability”. Invited Special Session, LCA XVIII, Fort Collins, CO. September 2018.
Fisher, A.S. “Connecting LCAs to a Company’s Business Plan”. Invited Panelist, Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference, Denver, CO. May 2018.
Fisher, A.S. “Women in Engineering – Sustainability and Life Cycle Thinking”. Invited Speaker, Society of Women Engineers, The Rocky Mountain Institute, Boulder, CO. January 2018.
Fisher, A.S., J. Zeman, A.N. Lasso, and C. Watson. “Working Toward Greater Transparency”. Invited Educational Panel. Greenbuild, Boston, MA. November 2017.
Flanagan, W.P., “Single-use technology and sustainability: quantifying the environmental impact,” BPI-West, San Francisco, CA. March 1, 2017.
Flanagan, W.P., Amit Dua, Carter Reeb, Jon Dettling, Adriana Lopes, Andrew Sinclair, Johan Rosenquist, Mia Bennemo, Karolina Busson, “An environmental life cycle assessment comparison of single-use and conventional process technology for biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing,” LCA XVI, Charleston, SC. September 29, 2016.
Fisher, A.S. “Strategies for Life Cycle Thinking and Product Sustainability”. Invited Speaker, National Association of Environmental Managers (NAEM) EHS & Sustainability Management Forum. October 2016.
Fisher, A.S. and W.P. Flanagan “LCA as an Innovation Engine: GE Ecoassessment COE Approach & Strategy”, Invited Special Session, LCA XVI, Charleston, SC. September 2016.
Flanagan, W.P., “Single-use technology and sustainability: quantifying the environmental impact of biopharmaceutical manufacturing,” ACS Green Chemistry & Engineering, Portland, OR. June 14, 2016.
Flanagan, W.P., “An environmental life cycle assessment comparison of single-use and conventional process technology for biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing,” AIChE Process Development Symposium, Providence, RI. June 9 2016.
Flanagan, W.P., “Single-use technology and sustainability: quantifying the environmental impact of biopharmaceutical manufacturing,” BioPharma Sustainability Symposium, Cambridge, MA. April 14, 2016.
Fisher, A.S. and W.P. Flanagan “Strategies for Internal Engagement”, Invited Special Session, LCA XV, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 2015.
Fisher, A.S., W.P. Flanagan, G. Steinberg, “Lighting the Future with LED: Using LCA for Product Design Insights” LCA XV, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 2015.
Flanagan, W.P. and A.S. Fisher “Environmental Impacts of Additive Manufacturing” LCA XV, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 2015.
Fisher, A.S. “GE’s Approach to Sustainable Remediation”. Invited Speaker, National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP). March 12, 2014.
Fisher, A., W. Flanagan, T. Rockstroh, “Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Costing Case Study: Additive Manufacturing,” Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver. November 9-13, 2014.
Flanagan, W.P., “Focusing on Sustainable Manufacturing Through a Life Cycle Lens: Comparing Materials, Manufacturing, Performance,” invited speaker, 3rd International Sustainable Manufacturing Forum, University of Kentucky Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington, KY. August 9, 2013.
Flanagan, W.P., “LCA from an Industry Perspective,” invited speaker, Scientific Workshop on Design of Sustainable Product Systems and Supply Chains, U.S. EPA and National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. September 12-13, 2011.
Pietrzykowski, M., W.P. Flanagan, V. Pizzi, A. Sinclair, M. Monge, A. Brown, “Life cycle assessment of the entire monoclonal antibody production process: a comparison of multi-use and single-use processes,” 10th Annual Biological Production Forum, Frankfurt, Germany. June 22, 2011.
Flanagan, W.P., “LCA & Ecodesign: A Business Perspective,” invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology: from analysis to design, Colby Sawyer College, New London, NH. July 11-15, 2010.
Fisher, A. and W.P. Flanagan, “Life Cycle GHG Assessment of a 2.5MW Wind Turbine: Road Test of the GHG Protocol Initiative’s Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard, LCA X, Portland, OR. November 3, 2010.
Fisher, A. “Using Renewable Energy on Remediation Sites – Life Cycle Assessment of a 2.5MW Wind Turbine,” 26th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. October 19, 2010.